2. Installation#

2.1. From source#

The sources for pcrglobwb_utils can be downloaded from the Github repo.

You can clone the public repository:

$ git clone git://github.com/JannisHoch/pcrglobwb_utils

To avoid conflicting package version numbers, it is advised to create a separate conda environnmet for this package:

$ conda-env create -f=path/to/pcrglobwb_utils/environment.yml

Subsequently, activate this environment with:

$ conda activate pcrglobwb_utils

Installation of the package is then possible:

$ cd path/to/pcrglobwb_utils
$ python setup.py develop

Alternatively, you can use:

$ cd path/to/pcrglobwb_utils
$ pip install -e path/to/pcrglobwb_utils

2.2. From PyPI#

pcrglobwb_utils can also be installed from PyPI. To do so, use this command:

$ pip install pcrglobwb-utils

If a specific version is required, then the command would need to look like this:

$ pip install pcrglobwb-utils==version