1. Validating terrestrial water storage and evaporation#

Important parts of the water balance and assessment of model performance are the terrestrial water storage (TWS) and evaporation (E). In this example, TWS is validated against GRACE/GRACE-FO data and E is benchmarked with GLEAM data. pcrglobwb_utils facilitates the validation process by providing scores per polygon of a shp-file.


1.1. Preambule#

Loading required packages and showing package versions used.

%matplotlib inline
import pcrglobwb_utils
import xarray as xr
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import geopandas as gpd
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import rasterio as rio
import spotpy as sp
import os, sys
import datetime
print('this notebook was created using Python', str((sys.version)), 'on a', str(sys.platform),'on', datetime.datetime.now())
this notebook was created using Python 3.8.5 | packaged by conda-forge | (default, Jul 31 2020, 01:53:45) [MSC v.1916 64 bit (AMD64)] on a win32 on 2021-12-03 17:03:53.367184
pcrglobwb_utils version 0.3.3
pandas version 1.2.4
xarray version 0.18.2
numpy version 1.20.3
geopandas version 0.9.0
rasterio version 1.1.5
rioxarray version 0.4.2

1.2. Select the area#

pcrglobwb_utils applies the TWS and E validation for an area as user-specified by means of a shp-file containing one or more polygons. Per polygon, both simulated and observed data is averaged per time step. With the resulting time series, performance metrics can be computed and visualized. For the example here, the water provinces located in Tanzania are used. Hence, the first step is to load the shp-file.

TZA_waterProvinces = pcrglobwb_utils.spatial_validation.validate_per_shape(shp_fo='example_data/Tanzania_shp/waterProvinces.geojson',
reading shp-file C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\example_data\Tanzania_shp\waterProvinces.geojson

Quickly inspect the extent information of the loaded data.

OBJECTID MAJORBASIN COUNTRY REGION watprov watprovID km2 Shape_Leng Shape_Area geometry
0 12 Africa, East Central Coast Tanzania Iringa Tanzania_Iringa_Africa, East Central Coast 25 88460.9 22.002607 7.195788 POLYGON ((36.29721 -5.12083, 36.29583 -5.12503...
1 13 Africa, East Central Coast Tanzania Lindi Tanzania_Lindi_Africa, East Central Coast 28 85004.1 15.485085 6.865913 MULTIPOLYGON (((40.19511 -10.26096, 40.19125 -...
2 14 Africa, East Central Coast Tanzania Manyara Tanzania_Manyara_Africa, East Central Coast 29 36772.8 13.405812 2.976842 POLYGON ((37.17537 -2.76838, 37.17193 -2.76958...
3 15 Africa, East Central Coast Tanzania Mbeya Tanzania_Mbeya_Africa, East Central Coast 30 17342.4 8.245606 1.414085 POLYGON ((34.15102 -7.38556, 34.15304 -7.39140...
4 16 Africa, East Central Coast Tanzania Morogoro Tanzania_Morogoro_Africa, East Central Coast 31 146718.0 29.906623 11.605295 MULTIPOLYGON (((39.25203 -8.00781, 39.24966 -8...

1.2.1. TWS validation#

For validating simulated TWS, netCDF-files of both simulation and observation need to be provided. Per polygon, time series are retrieved and evaluated. This yields a dataframe with R and RMSE value per polygon.

watprov_gdf = TZA_waterProvinces.against_GRACE(PCR_nc_fo='example_data/GRACE/totalWaterStorageThickness_monthAvg_output_2010_Tanzania.nc',
reading GRACE file C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\example_data\GRACE\GRACE_data_2010_Tanzania.nc
reading PCR-GLOBWB file C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\example_data\GRACE\totalWaterStorageThickness_monthAvg_output_2010_Tanzania.nc
extract raw data from nc-files
clipping nc-files to extent of shp-file
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 25
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 28
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 29
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 30
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 31
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 32
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 33
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 443
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 444
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 445
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1021
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1226
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1227
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1228
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1229

As pcrglobwb_utils returns a geo-dataframe, the R and RMSE values can also be plotted.

fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10))
watprov_gdf.plot(column='R', ax=ax1, cmap='magma', legend=True, legend_kwds={'orientation':'horizontal', 'label':'R'})
watprov_gdf.plot(column='RMSE', ax=ax2, cmap='viridis', legend=True, legend_kwds={'orientation':'horizontal', 'label':'RMSE'})

1.2.2. E benchmark#

The same workflow is followed when benchmarking simulated E with GLEAM data.

watprov_gdf = TZA_waterProvinces.against_GLEAM(PCR_nc_fo='example_data/GLEAM/totalEvaporation_monthTot_output_2010_Tanzania.nc',
reading GLEAM file C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\example_data\GLEAM\GLEAM_data_2010_Tanzania.nc
reading PCR-GLOBWB file C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\example_data\GLEAM\totalEvaporation_monthTot_output_2010_Tanzania.nc
extract raw data from nc-files
clipping nc-files to extent of shp-file
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 25
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 28
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 29
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 30
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 31
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 32
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 33
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 443
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 444
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 445
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1021
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1226
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1227
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1228
computing R and RMSE for polygon with key identifier watprovID 1229
fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(20, 10), sharey=True)
watprov_gdf.plot(column='R', ax=ax1, cmap='magma', legend=True, legend_kwds={'orientation':'horizontal', 'label':'R'})
watprov_gdf.plot(column='RMSE', ax=ax2, cmap='viridis', legend=True, legend_kwds={'orientation':'horizontal', 'label':'RMSE'})

1.3. Command line functionality#

Similar process, but less interactive is the command line functionality. Using click it is possible to evaluate model output with any other gridded dataset per polygon.

pcrglobwb_utils.eval.POLY('example_data/Tanzania_shp/waterProvinces.geojson', 'example_data/GLEAM/totalEvaporation_monthTot_output_2010_Tanzania.nc','example_data/GLEAM/GLEAM_data_2010_Tanzania.nc', './_OUT/TEST', 'watprovID', 'E', 'total_evaporation', conversion_factor=100)
INFO -- start.
INFO -- pcrglobwb_utils version 0.3.3.
INFO -- saving output to folder C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\_OUT\TEST
INFO -- reading observed variable E from example_data/GLEAM/GLEAM_data_2010_Tanzania.nc
INFO -- reading simulated variable total_evaporation from example_data/GLEAM/totalEvaporation_monthTot_output_2010_Tanzania.nc
INFO -- reading polygons from C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\example_data\Tanzania_shp\waterProvinces.geojson
INFO -- evaluating each polygon
INFO -- storing dictionary to C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\_OUT\TEST\output_dict.csv.
INFO -- storing polygons to C:\Users\hoch0001\Documents\_code\pcrglobwb_utils\examples\_OUT\TEST\output_polygons.geojson.
INFO -- done.
INFO -- run time: 0:00:05.927825.
import shutil